Adhering to UK Legislation with used cooking oils collections

Fry Fresh’s used cooking oils collections helps your business to adhere to UK Government legislation including; Health and Safety, Food Standards Agency, DEFRA and HMRC.

The legislation includes used cooking oils must be storedsafely

We only collect waste oils and fats; if your waste is contaminated with water/food waste/chemical waste, we will refuse collection and you will not be credited!

We require a £30 deposit for each barrel dropped at the site; you can get your deposit back by returning the barrel to us at any time.


A Cost to your business and the environment

If your catering business produces used cooking oils, then it must be disposed of correctly, in a bid to reduce landfill waste, your landfill taxes, fines, energy generation and greenhouse gases.

It’s therefore the responsibility of the used cooking oils collector to take it to an authorised site where it will be disposed of and reused correctly.

Our aim is to educate businesses and their staff on the importance of used cooking oils collections. Fry Fresh’s used cooking oils collections helps your business to save money and the environment.